22η Πρόσκληση Υποβολής Προτάσεων του Κοινού Ταμείου Βασικών Προϊόντων που αφορά σε επιλέξιμα αναπτυξιακά προγράμματα σχετικά με την παγκόσμια αλυσίδα αξίας εμπορευμάτων και την ενίσχυση των πιο φτωχών και ευάλωτων πληθυσμών.
![επιμελητήριο λάρισας](https://www.larcci.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/larissa-chamber-general-2020-950x493.jpg)
Ref no : CFC/2023/0021/MDO
To: – All Governors and Alternate Governors of Member Countries of the CFC
CC: – All Executive Directors and Alternate Executive Directors of CFC
– Observers of GC and EB
– Members of the Consultative Committee
– Heads of International Commodity Bodies (ICBs)
– Institutional Members
Your Excellency,
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,
Re: Twenty-Second Call for Proposals – Funding Innovation
Please be informed that the 22nd Call for Proposals is now open. All information related to this application form can be accessed on the CFC website under Call for Proposals | Common Fund for Commodities (common-fund.org). All potential applicants among SMEs/enterprises and government ministries/agencies are encouraged to submit their proposals as soon as possible and early submission is appreciated.
You may wish to make this Call for Proposals known to interested parties, including business chambers, cooperatives, relevant government ministry/agency etc., in your country/organization with the request to disseminate and, where possible, to submit their applications. The last date for receipt of applications is 10 April 2023.
Please check our website for future updates on webinars in this regard. The first webinar is scheduled on 8 February 2023 at 15.00-16.00 CET.
Please feel free to let us know your comments and suggestions if possible.
Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.
Sheikh Mohammed Belal
Managing Director