Προσφορές - Ζητήσεις προϊόντων

International Trade Service Ltd. (ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑ)


Διεύθυνση: 81a, Melnikova str., office 425
Πόλη/Τ.Κ: Kyiv / 04050
Τηλέφωνο: +38 (044) 2075979
ΦΑΞ: +38 (067) 4468793
Ηλ.Ταχυδρομείο: import@intradeserv.com.ua


Trading company Stream Ltd (International Trading Service) is involved in import, production of canned products and distribution in Ukraine. Our company has been actively importing Greek products for the last ten years and it is currently the one of the biggest importers of canned and grocery products from Greece. We serve all the spectrum of Ukrainian supermarkets and through our subsidiaries in recent years we have expanded operation in other countries also. We are a close partner of the Embassy of Greece in Kiev and therefore please feel free to ask for references from the relevant office there.

We have canned factory and we pack and produce Greek olives and sushi ginger in Ukraine. For our retail clients, we are interested in Tomato paste in barrels 220 L or in IBC tank in order to pack it for retail trade. Brix of tomato paste should be 32-36%.

What other tomato products do you produce?
We would like you to quote exworks prices.
Please also send product photos.
Please feel free to contact us if we have not contacted you before.

Alexandr Pravorchuk, Import Manager
Trade Company STREAM LTD
Addr: 81a, Melnikova Str., office 425, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04050.
Tel: +38 044 207 59 79
e-mail: import@intradeserv.com.ua


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